Saturday, February 5, 2011

Letter: Disturbing news from Hinkley Point

We are disturbed to discover that the energy company Electricit� de France (EDF) is already proposing to start major preparation work at Hinkley Point in Somerset even before it has permission to build a new nuclear power station.

The work, covering more than 400 acres, will involve the removal of most hedges and trees, rerouting underground streams, closure of all rights of way, and the excavation of more than 2.3m cubic metres of soil and rocks. This would be enough to fill Wembley stadium twice over. It will effectively mean preparing the foundations for the proposed twin reactors.

Nuclear power has many downsides, not least the fact that radioactive waste will be stored at Hinkley Point for up to 100 years after these new reactors have stopped operating. But EDF should not be allowed to justify this precipitate action by saying that "national need for nuclear" demands it move forward with its plans as fast as possible.

There is no reason why we cannot keep the lights on in Britain by a stronger commitment to energy saving, by a continuing (but decreasing) use of cleaner fossil fuels, and through a major expansion of renewable energy sources. If Spain can already meet 35% of its electricity demand from renewables (Spain helps out France in green power surge, 29 December), then Britain, with abundant wind and water resources, could do even better. Nuclear power, with all its attendant risks, should not be part of the mix.

Billy Bragg

Julie Christie

Emily Eavis

Professor David Elliott

Caroline Lucas MP

Michael Meacher MP

Professor Stephen Thomas © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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