Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear Jeremy

Problems at work? Need advice? Our agony uncle ? and you, the readers ? have the answers

Can I transfer skills from my charity work to the private sector?

I've worked in the voluntary sector for 16 years and am CEO of a small charity that, for a combination of reasons, will not survive the cuts and will close in the next 12 months.

As the potential opportunities in the voluntary and public sectors are decreasing, many people will be looking to move into the private sector. I have read a few Dear Jeremy letters that have addressed a wish to move from the private into the voluntary sector but not the other way around. How is this viewed within the private sector?

I spoke to someone in the private sector about this recently and he told me that the skills weren't transferable, which didn't fill me with optimism. How can I make my CV, which is totally focused within the voluntary sector, attractive to the private sector, and where would a voluntary sector CEO fit within a private company? I hope you and your readers can help.

Jeremy says

I'd like to know a bit more about this person who told you none of your skills were transferable to the private sector. That's a huge generalisation and can't possibly be true. However, there is little doubt that there's a fairly widespread set of prejudices in some parts of the private sector that holds that no one working for a charity can possibly have anything to offer the ruthless, competitive, cut-and-thrust world of free market business. The more ill-informed people are, the more likely they are to believe that charity work is comparatively cushy: a refuge for those who can't hold down a "proper" job. So there's little doubt you'll come up against a few such preconceptions.

Start by making an honest list of any of your achievements or experiences that could be of value to at least some organisations: there may be more than you imagine. Avoid vague generalities such as "good with people"; be as specific as possible. Presumably your particular charity has a certain role within a section of society? Think of private sector companies for whom that section of society could be of importance. Do you have evidence of your ingenuity in making a little money go a long way? Remember that more and more companies are taking corporate social responsibility extremely seriously ? not just as a PR gloss, so any experience you have in this area could be of real interest and your voluntary sector background an advantage.

You ask where a voluntary sector CEO might fit into a private sector company. I suspect not as a CEO. Your most promising opportunities might lie as the manager of a support group within a company. And as always, work backwards; use research and your imagination to work out what each company is likely to need ? and then see how best you might present yourself to meet that need. And please don't be easily disheartened.

Readers say

? People in the voluntary sector may fetishise the difference between themselves and the private sector as you continually do in your letter, but I assure you no one else does.

So stop thinking in those terms. It will only restrict you. What do you actually do? What skills do you have? Can you manage people, hit targets, read financial documents, manage a project, hit deadlines, conduct meetings, negotiate with suppliers and motivate your workforce? If so, say so ? that's what potential employers want to hear, with concrete examples if possible. Ragged

? Think about what you have to offer in terms of expertise and experience rather than what you haven't done and can't offer. To get a job you have to sell yourself and believe in yourself.

Those who know and love you will almost certainly help you see what you can do rather than what you can't. It is also helpful to talk with neutral third parties, such as successful business people, who will give it to you straight and help you to strengthen your CV where necessary. A fresh pair of eyes can help you to see things differently. MattPrescott

Devastated at being laid off after 27 years with one employer

I was made redundant without any warning that such a devastating event would occur. Having joined my employer immediately after school, I have just completed 27 years' monogamous service. I am experiencing feelings akin to bereavement, and thus far have only just reached the grief stage after shock and denial.

My specific problem ? other than having just bought a house ? is that loyalty is now a devalued workplace currency, and since I have no accompanying professional or academic qualifications (no degree or A-levels), and only one employer on my CV at the age of 47, how can I get another job?

My previous role entailed organising financial services professional exams, courses, book sales and library work. Admittedly the work never truly engaged me, and subsequent promotions were not forthcoming ? although I always scored well in appraisals and diligently strove to succeed.

Although the pay was dispiritingly low, I have recently written material for Radio 4 comedy shows, I write a monthly humorous column for the Oxford Times, I've had a book on Oxford Student Pranks published in the autumn and occasionally present the Eccentric Oxford Walking Tour, but I couldn't ever foresee this earning me enough even to pay my council tax. So how do I go about persuading prospective employers that they should interview me?

Jeremy says

Your letter prompts two immediate thoughts, and I'll start with the word-of-warning one. You may not need it but I'll say it anyway. There's just a hint that this devastating experience has induced in you a deep sense of bitterness. Your comment about loyalty being a devalued currency is an example. It's utterly understandable and you'd be inhuman not to feel it. But whatever you do, you mustn't let it possess you and you mustn't let it show. However sympathetic a potential employer may be, no one wants to invite a clearly embittered person to join an existing enterprising group; all too often, the effect is contagious.

My other thought is a good deal more positive. In 27 years, your main job "never truly engaged you". I find it extremely interesting ? and encouraging ? that you've recently found outlets other than your main job for your talent and creativity. I know these extramural activities haven't paid you much and won't be enough in themselves for you to live on; but I think there's a real chance your freelance work will be at least as intriguing to some potential employers as your many years of solid organisational work.

I've no idea exactly what sort of role you might fulfil: it's unlikely to crop up in any conventional Sits Vac sense. I'd encourage you to use every contact you have locally to network. But I can see you being of real value to a company looking after their internal knowledge function ? and at the same time acting as their communications person. Someone with imagination and the ability to write ? whether it's a press release, an internal email or the draft of a CEO's annual address ? can be of incalculable value to any medium-sized company. You could be just the person they need.

Readers say

? I was struck by the line: "Admittedly the work never truly engaged me, and subsequent promotions were not forthcoming." I wonder ultimately whether you will therefore find that this redundancy actually winds up being one of the best things that ever happened to you. I've been made redundant twice and each time it wound up being the kick I needed to get out of a job I was no longer happy in. Yes, I felt hurt and betrayed. And worried. But eventually I felt relieved. Hang in there: you might find the same thing happens to you. readie

? As a business owner ? and sorry we do not have a vacancy right now ? listening to you, I think I would interview you without hesitation. Loyalty is important to me as a business owner and 27 years is impressive ? as long as you can back that up with productivity.

I am not surprised you are feeling bereaved ? termination after long-term service is awful. However you are only 47 and you need to get over your shock. Gelion

? Loyalty is in no way a devalued currency in the right circles. I trade heavily off it. But you also have to be pragmatic. If the money isn't there, it's not there. If someone is further up the pecking order because their skills are more sought after, that's just hard luck.

Your barriers are, in part, of your own making. You did not quite get round to getting qualifications or committing wholeheartedly to work. That never mattered when you were an "incumbent" but it often does when moving on. So perhaps get a qualification. (Again, I got extra qualifications in my new market and, yes, they give me a competitive edge against those who at the end of the day are just not committed enough to bother.) oommph

For Jeremy Bullmore's advice on a work issue, send a brief email to Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or reply personally.

Read next week's problems on the Money blog from Monday and post your advice ? we'll run the best of it alongside Jeremy's in next Saturday's column. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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