Post your advice below. The best responses will be published in G2 next Friday
I am a divorced, 38-year-old mother of two girls, aged nine and 12. A year ago I met the most wonderful man and got pregnant again. We love each other tremendously, and the news of the baby was welcomed by both of us. However, he has been transferred back to Norway, where he is from, and we can see each other only at weekends.
I want us to live together by the time the baby is born in May, but he has an eight-year-old daughter from a previous marriage whom he can't bear to leave. So I have decided to uproot my family and move there, if that is what it takes to be together.
My girls are fairly positive about it, but I am terrified of making a mistake by moving them to a country where they won't know the language. I fear that I will resent the situation if it is anything less than perfect. I need us to start feeling like a real family yet have the responsibility of my own kids' happiness on my shoulders.
? If you would like to respond to this week's problem, please post your comment below.
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? If you would like fellow readers to respond to a dilemma of yours, send us an outline of the situation of around 150 words. For advice from Pamela Stephenson Connolly on sexual matters, send us a brief description of your concerns.
? All correspondence should reach us by Wednesday morning. Email: (please don't attachments)
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