Friday, February 4, 2011

10 O'Clock Live: is it getting any better?

Channel 4's satirical show has moments of brilliance ? but much of it continues to misfire

Those too lazy, too drunk, or too serious to watch 10 O'Clock Live last night have a second chance to catch two of the sketches from last night here. I'd like the show to succeed ? there is undoubtedly a big fat satirical gap on British TV ? but the programme continues to misfire.

No question, the first quarter hour delivered ? watch Jimmy Carr's opening monologue above. That was followed by equally amusing Charlie Brooker doing a mini Screenwipe on Egypt and David Mitchell ranting about something political. I'll remember what it was about soon, but there was plenty of wine-fuelled laughter from the green room.

However, after the first ad break, 10 O'Clock Live descended perilously close to Newsnight without the scowl. Discussion on forests (with Sir Christopher Bland no less), then astronomy pretty much destroyed any lingering enthusaism from the indoors audience ? and the smart option was to turn over to Mel Phillips ranting on Question Time whilst tweeting furiously.

Meanwhile, back on Channel 4, the programme struggles to find a viable role for the talented Lauren Laverne. Watch her trying to speak up for the public library below and you'll see what I mean. Nice thought, perhaps, but all a bit worthy really ? and one couldn't help thinking that libraries don't really have a future in the digital era anyway.

There's a far better 30- or 45-minute show waiting to burst out, and the programme wouldn't half be helped by a few light touches ? a band performing ? and dare one say it, a celeb interview to set against the politics. David Mitchell indicated after the credits rolled that the gang of four are spending so much time producing the material for the programme that they haven't had a chance to gauge audience reaction yet.

Still, there's always the comments box to let 'em know what you thought. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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