Thank you for reporting that nine out of 10 City bankers expect a bonus this year (Bankers' bonus expectations undented by crisis, 11 October). This sets an interesting example to us public servants who ? unlike the bankers ? are obviously deemed responsible for the financial crisis, since we have to make do with a pay freeze and now a raid by the Treasury on the cash in our pension funds.
Unlike a banker's bonus, my pension represents decades of my own saving for retirement as part of a scheme that is secure, affordable and financially viable. Yet, if the government has its way, I shall have to pay more and wait longer to receive less when I retire to help deal with a deficit caused by those still salivating in anticipation of unearned bonuses. Thankfully you also report that there is something I can do about this, by voting for industrial action to protect public service pensions (Unison ballots 1m workers on strike action, 11 October).
Jon Rogers
Branch secretary, Lambeth Unison
City breaks Motoring Gay and lesbian travel Tobin tax Shola Ameobi Allied Irish Banks
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