Q My girlfriend's employer is changing her contract from full time to part time (40 weeks a year). Will her new part-time employment affect our ability to get a mortgage in the near future? We both work in education and provide additional respite care at weekends (two days a week, 52 weeks a year). I am already on a 40-week-a-year permanent contract. JC
A Going from full-time work to part time won't in itself affect you and your girlfriend's ability to get a mortgage. But if the change means a drop in your girlfriend's income it will affect the size of mortgage you will be able to get.
However, while income is the major factor that lenders take into account when assessing mortgage applications, they also look at other debts and the size of deposit you have. So being debt-free and having a deposit of at least 10% of the value of the property you want to buy will improve your chances of getting the size of mortgage you need.
Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/may/04/mortgage-work-part-time
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